Back again with another illustration made in Figma. Get your own copy here.
Why keep on using a
web design
tool for bending vectors, you might ask? Ok, I'll answer. "Because why not?" Also, I am currently most up to date with Figma, compared to dedicated design software like Affinity Designer, Illustrator et al.
But having said that, perhaps I should try to re-learn a dedicated vector design program?
P.S. I miss Macromedia FreeHand
More things
Conifer VisionBrand development & web site
Länsförsäkringar CRMProject type
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EurapcoProject type
A coke bottleProject type
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SynsamProject type
AirtoursInteractive design
Länsförsäkringar illustrationsIllustration
Illustration in FigmaIllustration
Sony Z1Illustration
Amiga 600HDIllustration
Assa AbloyInteractive design
M10 tankIllustration
Mike CarrolIllustration
Figma fuzzIllustration
Scania NewsroomProject type
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